Sunday, May 23, 2010

Review for Final

The Final Exam will consist of two parts: 1) Short identification; and 2) Essay questions.

The Final will be closed book. Students will respond to their selected terms in paragraphs that demonstrate accuracy, understanding and fluency.

Absolutism vs. relativism
Near, or Almost Absolute
Naturalistic Fallacy
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
Four Idols
1) Tribe
2) Cave
3) Market
4) Theatre
1) Analytic
2) Internal
3) External/Empirical
4) Subjective/categorical (aesthetic, moral, political)...
G.E.M. Anscombe, "Modern Moral Philosophy"
Freedom vs. Determinism
Soft Determinism
Reward and Punishment
Hobbes vs. Locke, 2
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
John Locke (1632-1704)
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
John Rawls (1921-2002)
The Declaration of Independence
The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1777/79)
 “Cynicism and Careerism: Threats to Army Ethics”

Part II (Spring 2013 will not write Part II) will be open book, and students can use the articles by Goldberg, Marlin, and Anscombe. Computers will be available for word processing. All essays (students will write one) should be properly planned and organized, with fully-developed introductions and conclusions. Follow the Essay Checklist (below).

Here are themes to consider for the second section of the Final:

1. Consider the divisions or categories of moral philosophy our authors talk about: utilitarianism, egoism, deontology, virtue ethics, and so on. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these various approaches in considering such questions as: What should I do in a given situation? Or, why should I be "good?"

2. Reflect upon John Marlin's critique of cynicism and careerism, and consider how these threats to ethics influence decision making in a variety of professional contexts: military, law, law enforcement, corrections, politics, education, human services, health care, and so on.

3. Consider G.E.M. Anscombe's paper on "Modern Moral Philosophy." Describe her three theses and summarize the main points of her argument. Against the backdrop of Western intellectual history, describe the significant political-religious-cultural movement that has transformed our understanding of moral philosophy. 

4. The film A Clockwork Orange presents us with a variety of difficult questions concerning freedom of choice, the politics of social control, the nature of justice, and the nature of good and evil. Describe how the film presents these themes, and resolve your understanding by reflecting upon them in a clear and organized fashion. As the film shows, these issues are shot through with paradox, contradiction and irony. Can we hope to come to some sort of conclusion about them? 

5. What is your philosophy of Human Rights? Perhaps it might be useful to begin with a discussion of your understanding of human nature itself, keeping in mind of course G.E.M Anscombe's cautioning remark that we are "conspicuously lacking" an adequate philosophy of psychology.

6. Technocracy and moral  philosophy: Write an essay in which you consider the relationship between normative ethics (or prescriptive moral philosophy) and technocracy.  Explain how analytic philosophy (or meta-ethics) critiques moral philosophy.

Essay Checklist:

I. Introduction
A. Create Interest
B. Thesis
C. Main Points

II. Body Paragraph
A. Topic Sentence--General Statement
B. Supporting Sentences--Specific Statements
C. Fully Developed
D. One Topic per Paragraph

III Conclusion
A. Thesis
B. Main Points
C. What's Next?
D. Closure

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Weeks One & Two: Introduction

Is Philosophy a science?

The study of Morality and Ethics: Philosophy or Social Science?

"Areas" of Philosophical Inquiry:

Philosophers and Ethics:
Jefferson, 2, "He wanted to be remembered not for his presidency, but for the roles he played in the creation of the Declaration of Independence, the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom and the University of Virginia."
"The Good Old Cause"

From Thiroux & Krasemann:

On analytic philosophy: "...these philosophers feel that they might as well do what other specialists have done and concentrate on language and logic rather than attempt tio arrive at ethical systems that will help human beings live together more meaningfully and ethcially" (6).

Kaplan:  Is it not possible that concentrating on logic and language can help us to live together more meaningfully and ethically?